Thursday, October 31, 2013


to want to wait, bolts thud

back, ab ovo, begin again,

nested in a blackberry’s

latched drupelets sleeps  

the patient pearl

purple-black bathed, ticking

with dreams of slugdom  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

jams gandolfini

navel belched lint

skanky as in: melba toast, marmite,

blackmail, young Howard Stern, Sydney Pollack,


I can see the anger in your eyes,

without chemicals, he points.

this isn’t a watch And that’s

not the time you put into it


time of a different sort:

not made for watches


I find malls compelling,

but they give me a crick in the neck

a cervical disorder similar to:

wet hair in cold daylight, full stomach in the shallow end,

spray cheese. these have no skank.


they’re honest and well-intentioned

they say <<the road to hell is paved with good intentions>>

I say <<heck, I got a match, your ass and my face or is it…?>>

“hey got a match?”

“smoke cigarettes?”

“love ‘em?”

“hate ‘em?”


Dot Dot Dot

“ tell me.”

Same blank as in gap, mind it,

Go to Italy, lift weights, watch a movie,

All a distraction before ya die


we distruct

Friday, September 20, 2013

Harvest Moon!

Friendship thrives beneath the harvest moon!
Where no one does not love sweet wine!
They pity those who are not concerned
To revel for revelry's sake, and laugh at those
Who sit and think and thumb their nose
And open and shut and open big books
And sneeze at the doing of it.

For no one does not love what he loves to do
But that he sits and reads because he feels he should
At the right time but drinks at the wrong moment,
And though his parts disband some, his muscles unclasp their fellows,
Though he forgets his arms, legs, and curious shoulders:
He does not lose himself, He does not love wine,
He sees a moon, and sees it laugh, and does not know
That it laughs at him, or, if he does, does not know,
It laughs at all like him, not him alone.

So please, in the meantime,
Drink and Dance!
Without a thought of these words
And that man.

He's nowhere to be found
And the moon, unseen,
Still cackles.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

For My Friend

I never noticed his knuckles
But then it seemed any of the ruddy indices
Of his body might have given me a clue, as if there were clues to be found
And he was composed of them solely, though one, among the others
Which had had him hold on, gave out,
Where I thought to moor
The first attitude of that early afternoon.
The past perfect and the present perfect compounded:
“he’s always been…,” and I’d thought, “no, he had always been”,
But the words stuck in my throat.
Now, as then, when one point in time lobs itself forward,
And you fail to admire the colors left in its wake,
The parabola is all too clear, its bent too definite,
Its trajectory too perfected.
He was Iscoceles with two obtuse angles,
Or the palimpsest, whose faded scrawl vies with the all too decipherable:
Of the two we read what appears to be read, what was written lately,
What is spaced generously on the blistering parchment.
Help us to read again and to right the angles
But also to love the hidden, the disjointed, that most felt,
Most sweet, most joyful, most gentle,
Handsome and quiet young man who often held his gaze
To the ground while in his head he cupped the silt of genius.
I imagine his knuckles were imperfect and I ask not which or why,
The conceit has run its course.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Concerning Folsey: Kitchen Sprite

Argument: How a young man of Visigoth extraction resorts to murder; with what instrument the murder was committed; the object(s) of his machinations; in what manner his agenbite of inwit makes itself felt in the presence of dowager during tea.

I (EXT. Graveyard, Folsey’s funeral. Pastor Erikson reads Folsey’s eulogy. Everyone cries.)

Pastor Erikson: Pilfering bristles, wriggling joy, flitting blithely from table top to counter…

Folsey the filcher -- A fornight dead.

Mrs. Porphyry: They found him slumped over a water chestnut.

Mrs. Wellbeloved: They say he did it with a toe-nail paring.

Colonel Wubbels: Found it under the couch. Seems someone had left it there.

Darcy Gracchus: Had a ‘Gothic’ aspect to it…at least…that’s what I overheard the detective say.

Assembled (wailing): Too much, too soon! Too much, too soon!

A toothless, blubbering woman gums the Pastor’s cassock.

The men shred their hats.

Pastor Erikson: He had no children, no biological family to speak of. He was survived by but a single unbutton…

The toothless woman savors the taste of her tears.

Pastor Erikson (voice quavering): And his memory trickles like Celestial torture, or, at times, lingers for a spell, and then, dissolves…Like the quiet, vacant labor of our lives…

Hat in hand, unshredded, Theo the Visigoth squirms in his chair.

Pastor Erikson: Gentlemen in our lonely hamlet will be devastated by the sight of an even number of toothpicks on the mantel…Ladies will suffer tacitly in their boudoirs upon discovering their thimbles are void of tickles...And children will have clean teeth for a very, very long time.

Unknown woman: What’s he on about? The bit about the ladies?

The Epitaph Reads: We once found a thimble. It contained a doll fart. Its holes were stoppered by we know not what.

II (INT. Theo’s Kitchen, nighttime.)

In a swamp of rancid Hamburger Helper, his hand soapily circulates, the mind folding and unfolding the scamp's likeness soapily, soapily. And nothing, not nothing, nor not-nothing will smooth the furrows of memory, nor explain its mystery, as all explaining is, to wit, explaining away, and after nothing occurs, not nothing will prise it from the glistening, crispate limbs of Time hurtling naked into nothing.

Why had he done it? Soapy handily circulates.

The lucre…The filthy, filthy lucre.

A Cistercian reliquary containing the following: the ponderous grape Good-N-Plenty (the onliest of its kind), the jawbone of Girolamo; the foreskin of the Kritios Boy; the eyebrow-comb of Ulysses, Baelo Claudian garum with the 7 apocryphal Lucky Charms’s marshmallows: beige tapeworms, scarlet Cartouches, burgundy miscarriages, mauve plankton, and three of Martin Scorcese’s five wives in alternating shades of teal, orange, and blue; Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’s 14 limited edition Pogs depicting Ammonius Saccas, Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Proclus, Julian the Apostate wearing a Yarmukle, Simplicius, and Gemistus Pletho; a gazillion bristles, and a bitten spud.

No more ketchup soup, no more dirty dishes.

III (Midday, Lady Lemonpeel’s drawing room.)

Lady Lemonpeel: Nother cuppa'?

The Dowager Lady Grapeskin: Why certainly.

Leif (fresh from pagan lands): “Half…no three quarters naked…shit in their hair…fucking brown and sweating…I got the fuck out of there ASAP.”

Several images of young, well-knit, bronzed savages flicker in Theo’s mind.

Theo fidgets in his chair, convinces himself his temple itches, scratches his temple, thinks the walrus on Leif’s helmet is stupid, thinks he’s stupid and pompous, feels hot, then cold, then hot again, deploys a smile regarding no one.

He hardly knew the little guy.


That one is a smegma. He’d jell beneath any fold of flesh that would have him. Umbilical, he’s snug in any crevice: stringy, white, and wet, curdled with a wide smiling. 


“Phaedrus” is – was—an all-white canvas, three paneled, we call it a triptych. On July 19, 2007, Rindy Sam, a Franco-Cambodian artist was arrested by Avignon authorities after kissing the middle panel of Cy Twombly’s triptych entitled Phaedrus. The prosecution called it “A sort of cannibalism or parasitism.”

(Massive clouds billow under a golden-white sun. Beams of light sweep across a frozen expanse. Vapors gather about the plane. From the haze appears a young man: lank but hale, ruddy cheeked, head prodigious with plaits of auburn strewn with leaves of laurel. He has wide-set, entreating eyes of a glacial blue and he flutters lashes long and twined. He wears a chiton hemmed just above the knees and a pair of sandals. His shoulders jut awkwardly from above a sunken chest against which he clutches a vellum notebook. From the belt of his chiton dangles a small bottle of ink. A quill pokes out from behind his ear.)

Phaedrus -  

To what shall I compare this life?
It is the bark cast off at daybreak.
To whom shall I sing my song?
To a young poet, whose untimely testimony
Pursued him in habits of pride and shame.
Charity! Pathos! Love! Faith! 
The virtues are one in you, O mother of the earth,
Form of the good, way of the righteous.
I have forsaken my home for a higher ground,
Have let spoil fine wines, have let grow cold lavish feasts, 
Have left empty a throne not yet tarnished
For a worthier repast.
My tools are thine, O mother,
That you may do with them what you will;
Though they are abject and clumsy,
Though they can never renew their form,
I proffer them to you (an incandescent oblong blur)
For I have loved thee always and loved thee only.”
He swept the dirt from his cloak,
Rubbed the searing tears from his eyes,
Lifted himself among his newfound kin,
And awoke, chaste and resolute.


(Phaedrus sits himself on a nearby rock, the curvature of which conveniently accommodates his buttocks, and opens his notebook. Lurking vapors about him curl in upon themselves. A shadow passes over him. He knits his brow and touches quill to lips, remembering.)

Phaedrus: …And love?
Twombly: Love is a species of divine possession.
Phaedrus: Is possession not possession by a daemon? Is possession by a daemon not a malady? Would it not then follow, perforce, that love is a malady?
Twombly: The daemon you refer to is not love but desire. Desire makes decrepit the soul, detains it from its proper station, the citadel of reason.
Phaedrus: And madness?
Twombly: The nature of madness is fourfold. The first form of madness is imaged by Apollo and is prophetic. The second form of madness is the work of Dionysius and is invoked in the mystic ritual. The third form is that of poetic madness and is given to us by the muses.
Phaedrus: And desire?
Twombly: Desire is appetite.
Phaedrus: And poetry?
Twombly: Poetry is god-given; poetry is atemporal and sempiternal. The appetitive soul mauls the soul of reason. Having vanquished reason, it feeds of itself.
Phaedrus: Is poetry the highest form of madness?
Twombly: As we ascend the hierarchy of possession, we find there is yet a higher gift of madness.
Phaedrus: What is that, master?
Twombly: That of love.
Phaedrus: What sort of love? Love for the polis? Love of wisdom? Love of men for other men?
Twombly: The love which effaces every human comfort and makes an enemy of happiness. The love which disdains convenience and courts oblivion. The love which would abnegate its very being to unite itself with that higher power from which all things come into being. This is the true nature of love.
Phaedrus: Do you hear that? Do you that rustling?
Twombly: I fear the nymphs are upon us.
Phaedrus: They will envenom our minds!
Twombly: We must be off then and cut short our colloquy.

The Prosecutor: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, what you find before you is a lonely, hapless youth. Hapless, yes, “unluckly; luckless; unfortunate”, “without hap.” “Hap” meaning one’s “luck” or “lot” or “an occurrence, happening, or accident”, “hap” from the Middle English, also root of the word, “happy”. 

Do you remember what it was like to be happy? Happy when your mother looked down on you and leaned down at you and embraced you at the ribs and you felt a tickle there as you ascended and nothing in the world nor the world itself was held as fast and secure as you were in that very moment? To experience everything born anew at every moment. To watch the ocean spume and gurgle before you and the frothing wake scurry in pursuit? It’s as if all the fibers of existence are at once rived and rewoven at every successive instant. Do you remember your mother paring your fingernails and she pinched the tip of your finger and you winced but didn’t cry out because you were big now but there always seemed to be bigger kids yet and when you ate Dots, you got bits stuck in your molars and scraped at them with pared fingernails and little success --

Defendant: Objection, your honor!

The Judge: On what grounds?

Defendant: On the grounds of an illegal use of zeugma!

The Judge: Objection overruled! Please continue.

The Prosecutor: I’ll tell you folks, things sure have changed since I was in high school. Gee, I remember a time when the desks were bolted down into the floor. I remember a time when the classrooms were separated by this folding partition and you could hear the class right next to you as if it were the same class. It was always the other teacher who caught my attention. If I was in biology and next door they were learning long division, well, by gum, I’d come outta’ that class fiddlin' with some equations in my head; if I was learning long division and next door was learning biology, I’d come outta’ that classroom with head full of lungs and kidneys.

The Defendant: I’ve never been to the Epcott center.

Rindy Sam - …It was just a kiss, a loving gesture…

A woman’s beauty is transient; my mother always told me that, and I took it to heart. ‘We wilt, every one of us, us flowers.’ That’s what she would say, very sententiously, with heavy, empty eyes. Men age with gravity, men age with silence and shadows; men are weathered, women wilt. My mother lived to 93, lived in a home of wrinkles, for years, sunken. 93 squalid; squalid like the tissue in a cat’s ear; squalid like a toothless grin; squalid like the brittle silence in big rooms; We should hope for a hovel of our own. A hovel in which to eat what little helpings we have, tend to our bruises, ask fewer questions. My mother, once a beautiful woman, made a hovel of her bones and wrinkles. She was a tough bitch, my father said. She knew what he meant. He died a few hours later. I ask no questions. Nothing that time can’t heal.

…it was just a kiss, a loving gesture…

How turbulent it all was! I would have smeared myself across its canvas. If you could picture it now. For a moment, picture for yourself, a big, white, vacuous room, awash in florescence. Imagine for a moment how it felt to be soaked in that light with those "intellects", motes suspended in the sickly purity of the florescence, undetected, insouciant. They were hideous. I couldn’t bear it. That goateed geriatric in the ascot, his arms folded sagaciously behind his back, not deigning to show…not deigning to approve…not deigning. And that little slut with her little slut grin and her tweed vest. The vest can’t change what you are. The 30, 40, 50 blinding pearls you show off with every gaping grin of yours can’t change what you are.

Imagine how they marred the scene!  My Phaedrus! How complicit they all were in all it raged against! And how valuable this time had become! To do something rather than nothing and to be seen doing it! The currency of it all, the shimmering mounds of seconds piling, piling, piling, inexhaustible. 

He was a tabula rasa crying out, pining for touch.
(The lights dim, a disembodied chorus of voices echo from every direction.)

The Chorus –
My Phaedrus is and is not. There is no signature of creation which he does not already contain.

The Defendant - That fucking light! That fluorescence! It begged me!

The Chorus - Entelechia, the continuous being-at-work, the entelechy of all being. My Phaedrus, the entelechy of entelechy, endlessly perfectible, perfect in its endless perfectibility.

The Defendant - Then you understand? You understand my kiss?

The Chorus - My Phaedrus contains every kiss in an infinite series of kisses and contains the infinite distance between each integer of the series of kisses. He contains the serial infinity of an infinity of an infinite series of kisses.

The Defendant - It was a moment in time, indelible, singular.

The Chorus - There is no temporal act which can add to or subtract from the infiniteness of his being.

The Defendant - Just a kiss, a loving gesture. You must understand!

The Chorus - He is the fulcrum upon which the micro- and macrocosm pivot.


(Phaedrus and Twombley lie dead. Nine blue nymphs dig in their entrails, hair matted with dried blood, faces splattered with fresh blood. Ravenous, beautiful, they claw and tear.)

We feasted on limbs
In the pure lunar light:
Cold and naked,
Driveling plasmic gold.

His lids were caked with silt
-- We cleaned them –
His wounds were filled with pearls
-- We sowed them in earth –

In the night, on our star,
We ate his remains:
Heart, Brain, and Eyes
Our faces smeared
With mortal rouge,
We rummaged his guts
In the pure lunar light.

There is resolve in the purity
Of this light, the coldness of this stone --
Quenched by a tincture of blood.
We, the dream of a body:
The fear, the lust, the silliness
Of this dead boy, our Phaedrus.

Sheltering pearls, wriggling pearls
Still living, never quenched,
Pullulating from his viscera:
The inexorable offspring,
Blistering, hatching into new life,
-- They tore through our skin—
That festering throng
-- They melted our eyes --
Gurgling molten into life.


An Afterword from Mr. Twombley:

Twobley’s the name, Cy Twombley,
Please don’t kiss my triptych!
When I smear paint, it’s art;
When you smear lipstick, it’s a crime.
Trust me, I used to be a cryptologist;
That means I know how to disguise intent.
The code is not embedded, nothing is,
But here you stare and are folded back into yourself,
Not that that’s the point, there is none. 
Brain, parasite of the body, primeval eavesdropper, shriveled carbuncular ,cud-chewing schemata,
Out! Out! Out!


 “Son, the time has come for you to knead the clay,” his father said. The boy’s ears twitched. “The red clay in the tub. A man of my age does not perform that task.”

The son replied, “But the clay is hard and my hands are still so small.”

His father’s calloused knuckle pressed against his bottom lip.

“You must knead the clay as I have done since I was your age. It was dryer then and but for these hands…” here he observed his knobby fingers outspread “…would be far dryer. It is practically dough.”

The boy turned towards the steps. The bottom one was collapsed in, a cobweb flimsily spanning its rent remains.

Their eyes met.

The boy pled, "But it's too early. I'm not...prepared."

“It is your duty, son. Were it dryer -- dry as an ancient tusk -- it would be your duty to knead, just as it was my mine. You cannot escape.”

Repressing a sigh, the boy mounted the second step and ascended. 

The man went out into his garden, laid himself at the foot of an olive tree, and closed his eyes. The noon sun beamed through the branches, dancing on his whiskered cheeks.

A olive fell in his lap. The man chuckled. 

Kinetic Siblings

Skinned chestnuts are immediately forgotten upon the introduction of two roasted piglets smeared with an especially thick lavender sherbet and studded with iridescent scarabs. Dericious. 

True Teddy No Teddy Body

True Teddy No Teddy Body,
True Teddy No Teddy Mind,
He speaks in shadows,
He drinks in silence.

True Teddy No Teddy Body,
True Teddy No Teddy Mind,
He needs no momento mori,
He has four eyes of lavender.

True Teddy No Teddy Body,
True Teddy No Teddy Mind,
He is agile like a basiliscus,
He is as quiet as a fog.

True Teddy No Teddy Body,
True Teddy No Teddy Mind,
He walks the path of no contender,
His vigil is unconscious.

Zethes and Calliope Indulge in Ardent Petting in the Late Afternoon beneath an Alder Tree on a not-very-steep Monticule in the Presence of a Young and Decomposing Orpheus

four fat, blue-veined pearls suddenly wriggled from his hollow sockets and she said,
“That’s one way to wink!”
And I shrugged with just my eyebrows
Because I kissed my Calliope where they blistered open with a balsamic sting
And, taking great pains to hide my Thracian twang, said,
“Calliope, take these pearls and adhere them to your kisses,
Put them on your kisses and they will kiss back…please, it’s not too late…”
And to my surprise, she did it, and was cured at once.
Slimy Calliope, my Calliope, oh, she took me into her arms
And rested the dead boy’s head in my lap, and a thick, clean, burgundy goo
Bespattered my tunic when these pearls
Spewed forth like a hyperbolic tapioca and I didn’t scream or yelp with woe
But rather gobbled at the eensy convolution in her ear which could be held in the area of my palm
Described by where my palm’s semi-circular incision meets my not-very-Bucolic-thumb and looked at the dead kid’s thumbs and I regarded them as powerful and imagined the sensation of them pressing on my lids until my eyes sunk back against the daft rubber of my brain.
But Calliope just laughed and gobbled back.
a once deft tongue now swollen wine-black poked
out from between his eternal smirk, drivelled on 
her laughing tits which quaked like an old, sodden drunk
unwontedly clean shaven and yuck-yuck-yuck-yucking while he gob gob gobs on dry unbuttered toast and swills the dregs of sappy ale roaring,
“More yams! More yams! More yams!”.

The right thing to do would be to tell her all this, this exact second, in excruciating detail, to put her through what she’s putting me through at this very moment, that she should feel the same sting…well…I don’t want to be cruel for the sake of being cruel, but rather honest, brutally honest, I aspire to be brutally honest in all of my confrontations with mortals; after all, there really shouldn’t be any dishonesty between two people who are meant be in love. Not that it would be a lie to not mention it would be dishonest nonetheless.

But could those tits be stopped?

I’d just as soon stop my father, Boreas (a fine, firm and perspicacious God at the dusk of late-middle age with a hearty laugh that shakes the stalactite encrusted walls of his cove while gentle waves spume and gurgle between the inlets of his toes) or just as soon arrest little, submarine creatures who extend their tiny pincers from their carapace to pince, pince, pince at seaweed long-since-shredded by a bigger, but still, all in all, a fairly little guy himself.

That this laugh would subside, cease, end, just about anywhere: her knuckles, her nails, her toes, those toes,  those knuckles, this incident of bones and time lying back on me now…wait, ok, she stopped
my calliope’s face was smeared with that slime and i started to question
whether it, the goo, the slime, whatever exactly it was, had come from the pearls or my kisses,
but ignored it. after all, every relationship has its…y’know…ups and downs…it’s really, a something organic, that both parties, uh, um, strive to keep, well, living.

she shifted and her brows were clenched almost perpendicular to one another like plates of earth moved
by the happenstance of…wait…who’s department is that? Poseidon…the ocean, of course…zeus, well, zeus, I mean, c’mon, I guess it would be Hades, yeah, that pale bastard, down there, in his chthonian abode, all those pomegranate seeds scattered at his feet. Jesus, for a dude that pale, he sure gets a lot of pussy…And my Calliope jackknifed her knee up between my thighs and sent A THOUSAND KNIVES of pain surging through my body
by then the sun was setting and that was all I could say about it because there’s no use to describing something like that, but if all of you could, for once, be generous and a little patient, I think I can make you picture it because it was me reclined in her sticky arms and the dead boy reclined in mine and the pearls rummaging his viscera while invisible sprays of a honeysuckle perfume curled up into the little patches of sky hanging under my nostrils and sat themselves there and everything around us was sat as it should have been sat and the scene disclosed something about Mother Earth and the heft of every of those ugly, angular forms she’d to purposed to splay themselves before us now: us two, two alive, one dead, resting after a long, backbreaking day of formalities and half-hearted competition and the sad, lazy, attenuating hours of us Olympians who are hexed with an endless share of living.

I heaved her off of me and said in full Thracian, “C’mon, let’s bury this kid.” 

Friday, April 19, 2013

circulos meos

In the year 214 BC, soon after the Romans had conquered the city of Syracuse, a soldier was ordered to apprehend its most well-known citizen, Archimedes, and escort him to the conquering general who wished to speak with this wise and venerable man.

When the soldier arrived at his home, he found Archimedes meditating upon a circular diagram depicted in the dirt floor. The soldier politely ordered the mathematician to accompany him to meet the general, but Archimedes, abstracted in his calculations, ignored the man. The soldier repeated the order. He continued to ignore him. Finally, the soldier unsheathed his sword and planted it in the center of the diagram, repeating the order for the last time.
                Archimedes flew into a rage. “Noli turbare circulos meos!” he exclaimed in the conqueror’s Latin.  “Don’t disturb my circles!”
                Latin was not his mother tongue and he was hardly a fluent speaker, yet this admonishment escaped him at an instant, clearly, and of a volition all its own.
                These men were merely a band of upstarts, fearsome in numbers, but individually weak. Little men. His circles, on the other hand, were big; they encompassed Archimedes, Syracuse, Magna Graecia, the soldiers and their nascent empire, the planet, the stars, and all which lied beyond. How could these little men possibly understand the meaning of these big circles? What was brute force in the presence of pure cogitation?
                At once, the soldier cut off Archimedes’ head, and quitting the dead man, began to meditate an alibi.
               The circles weren’t the least disturbed.