Thursday, October 31, 2013


to want to wait, bolts thud

back, ab ovo, begin again,

nested in a blackberry’s

latched drupelets sleeps  

the patient pearl

purple-black bathed, ticking

with dreams of slugdom  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

jams gandolfini

navel belched lint

skanky as in: melba toast, marmite,

blackmail, young Howard Stern, Sydney Pollack,


I can see the anger in your eyes,

without chemicals, he points.

this isn’t a watch And that’s

not the time you put into it


time of a different sort:

not made for watches


I find malls compelling,

but they give me a crick in the neck

a cervical disorder similar to:

wet hair in cold daylight, full stomach in the shallow end,

spray cheese. these have no skank.


they’re honest and well-intentioned

they say <<the road to hell is paved with good intentions>>

I say <<heck, I got a match, your ass and my face or is it…?>>

“hey got a match?”

“smoke cigarettes?”

“love ‘em?”

“hate ‘em?”


Dot Dot Dot

“ tell me.”

Same blank as in gap, mind it,

Go to Italy, lift weights, watch a movie,

All a distraction before ya die


we distruct